Sunday 11 May 2014

Cross Country

Training hard for the school championships. Mr Bailey has graded us into divisions and we race in groups of 5 or 6. If we win a division we move up and if we can bottom we move down. It's become very competitive!!


  1. This term we have the cross-country coming up and Mr Bailey is training us up to try and win against the other year seven class. So far we have been racing in divisions every day. The first day we all raced each other and Mr Bailey took our placings and divided us up into either the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th division/group meaning the first group as the the fastest group and the 5 group as the slower ones. Surprisingly I got into the first division.

    Now I am trying really hard to not lose and go down into division two.

  2. Just moved down into div 2 :( but I'll be moving up soon so watch out!

  3. thanks for letting us train and i can see that it did well to room 20 and many people in room 20 got a placing and everyone did well
