Sunday 4 May 2014

Arrowtown has Google Dashboard!

Mr Bailey is very excited about this! All our Google Docs will be displayed this way and his Gmail account will not be 'cluttered' with our work.  Apparently there is lots of other cool stuff we/he can do, but he hasn't worked it out yet. From the dashboard Mr Bailey can see all our work and access it quickly to give us a feedback which is a good start. We will keep you up-dated to any new developments!


  1. It helps Mr Bailey a lot. It was a bit hard to sort everything out but we now have got the hang of it.

  2. I like the idea of google dashboard its much faster for me and he can look at our work easier without it he had hundreds of emails of work from us but now he can look at 20 pisces of work in 5 minutes before took twice as long for one pisce

  3. A few weekago Mr Bailey went on a course with a few other teachers and learnt all about google docs and what cool thing we can do with it. He came back with so much information to tell us. One if the things he told us was about google dashboard which is shown above.
    By Evie

  4. A few weeks ago Mr Bailey went on a course with some other teachers. On that course he learnt all about google docs and what cool things you can do with it. When he got back to school he told us all of the information and everyone thought it was so cool. One of the things he taught us was about google dashboard which is shown in the picture above.
    By Evie
