Thursday 10 April 2014

Presenting our Articles on World War One

The children have written their articles about the question they were inquiring into.  They have been trying out different ways of publishing their article. Most children have used either Publisher or Pages, but a few have found other interesting ways.  However, time is running out and they need to have their work finalised and published by Thursday.  Amy is visiting, on the last day of term, to have a look at our work and hopefully choose some possibilities for an exhibition. Exciting times ahead!


  1. Hello Everyone
    This term all of year 7&8 are focusing on a topic for the museum. Our topic is World War One. In my class (room 20) we have to make a poster with lots of information on one topic from WW1. My topic is focused on the Christmas Truce, and also a bit about the football at Christmas.

    So far every day in class we have been working on it and finding a nice frame to put the information onto.

    On Thursday this week a lady from the museum is going to come into our class and see what we have done, and decide wether it is good enough to go into the museum. This is our only chance and some of us hope to be lucky!!

  2. Its really cool that some people might get they work in the museum!
