Monday 2 June 2014

Number Knowledge Bricks

To help us get on track with our number knowledge i.e. basic facts, fractions, decimals we have started the 'wall.'  Even though we have shown some improvement in many areas of maths/numeracy, number knowledge has proven to be a bit of problem for quite a few of us. It seems that if do not practice them regularly we forget them or do not know them instantly.  Instant recall seems to be the biggest problem, we have to give an answer in 3 seconds and many of us are not quick enough.  Mr Bailey will find out where we are on the wall and we will have to a brick to learn/practice a week. Some bricks may take some of us a couple of weeks to learn but the real challenge is that we have to get a 100% correct in the tests, lots of practice then!

1 comment:

  1. next term can we try and focus more on this
