Thursday 6 February 2014

Mind Mapping

We are fortunate enough to have many devices in year 7. The children were able to find mind mapping tools on the iPads and on the Google Apps too. We are all looking forward to BOYD too, very exciting times. 


  1. Hello everyone
    This year room 20 have started to use a mind mapping tool on our devices. It is a very quick and easy tool to use. I use it for planning before I write my stories. The way you use it is you just start with one bubble in the middle on the page then you just press a little plus sign to add another bubble. You write your information in each bubble. It is made in seconds.

  2. Hello everyone
    This year room 20 have started to use a mind mapping tool on our devices. It is a very quick and easy tool to use. I use it for planning before I write my stories. The way you use it is you just start with one bubble in the middle on the page then you just press a little plus sign to add another bubble. You write your information in each bubble. It is made in seconds.
