Dear Alicia, 4th October 1915,
I don’t know what to write to you anymore, well it’s winter now and my feet have got ice stuck to my wrinkled toes. The trenches have ice as the floor at the moment. The Germans went over the top yesterday as we shot them down I could only look at there horrified faces and there fearful eyes watching and hoping for a quick death. Allan is calling us for a meeting I promise I will write to you soon.
I love and miss you and the kids, Alec xxx
I sighed as I shut my diary, tearing out the letter I checked it to make sure it made sense. John came marching round and collecting all our letters. As John took my letter he looked down at me sitting on the rusting, weather beaten sack and boomed out “Son you alright” I just smiled up at him nodding. John was from Scotland he had a funny accent but was a real good man. I watched him as marched off, I would be sad to see him go.
Dear Alicia, 17th September 1917,
Again the cold has kicked in, this year a little early, that means it may go away sooner. Any how rat’s are crazy in this trench of ours, as I sat here a few minutes ago a rat the size of a cat crawled over my frozen feet. I can not stay writing long as general Marcus is calling for another exhausting meeting, on the bright side John seems to think this war is coming to an end but I still think this insane war still has a few solid months left. Well gotta run…
Your man Alec xxx
I stood stretching my well stiffened body, huge mistake, I spin around to see around four- hundred odd bullets aimed and fired coming straight to my head. This was it, it was the end I thought back to my twenty-nine years of life, my family, my friends and my home. “Alec it has been two years you manage to stay alive this long but get a hopefully few months left of this war and you stand up and die wow Alec real smart.” Just as the bullets are about to bring me down forever I hear footsteps sprinting towards me and I hear John yell out to me “ Alec duck.” The body blow seems to come out from nowhere but I open my faithful eyes I am lying on the ground covered in mud lying next to John. All I want to do is run now, people are running at me from all angles, people are yelling at me but I do not hear any of it all i can see is John lying on the ground lifeless with blood trickling out of his head.
Room 20 have produced so many amazing pieces of writing this term about World War One that we are going to create a dedicated blog page to it! We have embraced the writing process that Mr Bailey has set up and published so much work on the Google Docs that he can't keep up! Room 20 have created a hall of fame in class for the best pieces of work but we feel we should be publishing all our fantastic work, so keep your eye on the blog for our new page soon!
good job Luca your great at writing