The children are enjoying an hour session of stroke development and life saving skills. They will sleep well this week! 😃
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Standard of Work
Our daily timetable has been a huge success. However, there is always room for improvement! One area is the quality of work we produce. Some of us are flying through the work and the standard can be improved. To help us meet the standard we are creating a criteria together and mark ourselves against it.
Monday, 1 December 2014
Google Form for roll and Daily Maths Assessment
With everyone in Room 20 having personalised learning programmes it is very difficult to get us together for the roll so Mr Bailey created a Google Form for us to complete. He also sneaks in a maths assessment to help decide who he will work with.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Science Inquiry

For our science inquiry this term we are entering a competition. The children have to inquire into an experiment, make it engaging, record it and send it in. The video has a strict criteria including following the science process of purpose, research, hypothesis, analysis and conclusion.
We are currently exploring lots of different experiments and discussing how it fits with the science process. We also want to make sure it looks exciting on a video!
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Useful Chrome Extension
We found a wonderful Chrome extension which helps us in lots of ways. Everything we open a tab it reminds us of the time and our focus for the day. It also has a to do list and most importantly it's pretty!!
Personalized Spelling
We are exploring possibilities to help us take control and have choice in how we learn. Room 20 are trying out Grade Spelling as a way of personalizing our spelling so we can work on easier spelling or, like in Gaea's case, work on some pretty tough spelling! This particular website is great because the lessons include defining words which is a reading goal for many of us. Mr Bailey likes it because the results are emailed to him afterwards, he can then keep track that we are making sensible choices with the difficulty of spelling.
Sunday, 16 November 2014
New Learning Habits

How things have changed! These photos were taken at around 8.45 and this was a time where children were a little lost and not knowing what to do. As soon as they arrive they demand their daily timetable so they can begin to plan their day and browse over their activities, which is fantastic. Some children claim their seats early in the presentation area for the 8.55 start.
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
World Vision - Global Citizenship

Harley came into Year 7 to discuss what it is to be a Global Citizen. He discussed what World Vision does to support poor countries. We completed tasks based around what we want and what we need.
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
The Chromebooks are here!

Everyone is buzzing! It was so exciting to know that we have our own device to personalize our learning. The opportunities are endless! Mr Young spoke to us about how to look after it and how to use it following our Cybersafety rules. Mr Bailey gave us a list of 'daily activities' to complete which included 'must do's' and 'can do's.' You can see that we are doing different activities. Mr Young showed us how to share photos using Picasa.
Friday, 31 October 2014
Personalising Learning
The children had an assessment to help identify the areas of learning they can and cannot do. Now they have booklets which guide their learning on what to do next. We have organised the resources to be flexible and meet their needs. The numbers represent lessons in 'Mathsbuddy' which has been a fantastic resources as it focuses around understanding. Next up, Chromebooks. We can not wait to have the flexibility to create our own timetables and self-direct our learning. Very exciting times ahead!
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Letter of Persuasion
We are running the stall for 'Sponge the Teacher' at the fair and without teachers we might have a problem! We are carefully crafting persuasive letters to convince them to help us out. Oliver has created a first draft already, most of it at home, and as a a class we gave him some feedback. We particularly liked the linking sentence of the first paragraph. Awesome effort Oliver! Please note the suggesting function on Google Docs, all Oliver has to do it click on the tick and it makes the changes - very clever!!
Google Classroom and Maths Buddy combined!
We have been using Maths Buddy to support our learning for Number Knowledge. Mr Bailey set up an assignment through Google Classroom which asked us to take a snapshot of our results once we finished the list of tasks. Evie was the first person to take a snapshot and share with Mr Bailey. Mr Bailey was excited because he combined the use of Google Classroom and Maths Buddy. Let us know what you think of Maths Buddy, we are hoping with Chromebooks it will really make a difference.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Cyber Safety

Welcome to Term 4! We are very excited with the arrival of our Chromebooks. In preparation for these wonderful devices Room 20 are going through a Cyber Safety programme to ensure we have the necessary online etiquette. Also, we have introduced Habits of Mind which are skills to help us cope with the independence we are about to receive on the arrival of the Chromebooks. Very exciting times lie ahead!
Friday, 26 September 2014
Writing a Book Review Assessment
Working till the last minute! We have worked hard on our review writing as we found it so difficult and referring back to the book for quotes/evidence to support our arguments was one aspect we really worked on. Even though tired from a long term, room 20 gave it their absolute best. You are awesome guys! 😎
Goodbye Mr Harris
We had an amazing assembly to celebrate the seven wonderful years with Mr Harris. The Kapa Haka was stunning, well done to everyone involved - he certainly won't forget it!
Calendar Art
We recently explored using words for art and found an app called Wordfoto. At first it seemed simple by simplying adding ten words but then realised the angle of photo, background, colours and font type changed the whole feel of the photo. Lots of experimenting later we had some pretty cool pieces of work.
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